Modify, add, upgrade functions of your system. There are many ways to improve system performance!
LevelDatic system offers a variety of interfaces, where external devices and instruments can be connected.
One of most popular ways to expand the system is adding analogue or digital panel instruments. We offer a wide range of analogue meters with fully customizable scales. Whether a new addition to your system or just replacing existing, faulty meters we can match exactly your needs regarding size, shape or scale.
Similarly, digital meters can be added to the system using 4-20 mA outputs. The range, dimensions, unit or display color can be customized according to your specifications.
All meters are supplied fully customized and calibrated to your system output. We also offer full technical support in case of any issues during installation.
For connection with external sources of signals LevelDatic system can be equipped with Analogue Input card. The input is 4-20 mA current which can correspond to various process data, for example vessel trim and list.
Analogue Output card is widely used to supply signal to external displays and gauges. 4-20 mA signal can be scaled to correspond to level range in the tank. This kind of output can also be used for trim and list indicators.
Service Terminal ST100S is used both by service personnel and ship’s crew. It connects to PMC-31 board and allows to perform a number of service and maintenance functions, such as zero calibration, offset adjustment, analogue output setup, air leak analysis and many other. If your vessel is not equipped with Service Terminal ST100S, request one and save money on next service visit. Many malfunctions can be rectified by the crew using ST100S after receiving instructions from our Technical Support.